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Saturday, October 8, 2022

How To Install VTU Portal Creating Software

VTU Portal Creator User Guide
How To Install VTU Portal Creating Software




Download VTU Portal Creator from the purchase link and upload it to your Cpanel directory. 

 Click Here to Download VTU Portal Creating Software

 Login to your site Cpanel e.g. www.yoursite.com/cpanel


Open File manager

Upload the software file into the public_html directory

i. Click On Public_html

ii. Then Click on Upload


Browse for the location of the software in your computer

After uploading the software to your public HTML, now extract it to a folder (Directory) with a name of your choice like portal, vtu, account, user, etc.


Next Create a database to and import the SQL file



Enter Database name in the Create New database box


At the MySQl Users, enter your preferred username and password the click create user



Next is to add user to the database

 Select the username and password you have just created above

 Then click add


Select ALL PRIVILEGES at the manage user privileges window then click make changes


Importing SQL File

 Go back to Cpanel main dashboard and click on phpMyAdmin




Click on the database name you created previously at the menu left




Click on import icon at the top menu

Browse for your SQL file that comes with the software then click Go


Configuring VTU Portal Creator Database


Open the software directory then select db.php file and click edit



Enter the database credentials you created previously (database name, username, password) then click save changes


ACCESS VTU Portal Admin


Open your browser, enter your site user




Enter your admin login


Username: *********

Password:  *********




Enter your username and password the click login


Configuring Your Portal


Go to settings and click Site Settings

You need to provide google Recaptcha Key to enable the user signup page work.


Simply click on create recaptcha v2 link to create Recaptcha.

Copy the Site Key and secret Key and paste in their spaces.


Upload Your site logo and Click save Changes.

Setting Your Payment Gateway


At the settings menu click on Payment settings

Enter your Paystack or Flutterwave Public and secret key



If you don’t have Paystack or Flutterwave account yet, signup at https://paystack.com or https://flutterwave.com


Once your account is approved and Live, go to settings at click on API or API Key as the case may be Copy your API Key and paste at the box above.






Setting VTU Pricing




Click on Billing at the menu and click PIN Prices

 This is the percentage of discount that will apply to every transaction.

























Creating Gateway Account


To dispense VTU you need to have a gateway Reseller  account. You can simply get one at https://vtuafrica.com.ng


Signup then upgrade your account from Normal user to Reseller or Portal Owner if you haven’t or if you have, then  enter login credential.




The VTU Portal Creating Software is a product of VTU Africa. So, if you purchased this product from www.vtuafrica.com.ngthen the API integration has already been done but you must follow the steps below to connect your API Key:


On the Menu, click API => Enter your API key

(Get your API from www.vtuafrica.com.ng) and click update.


Once this connection is successful, your available balance will be displayed on your dashboard and you will be able to vend airtime, data and other services from your website.




Building your Portal Frontend


If you are knowledgeable in website frontend design you can build your portal front end using either wordpress, joomla, HTML, php, etc.



How To Buy VTU Portal Creating Software

 To Buy VTU Portal creator kindly visit www.vtuafrica.com.ng on their official website to buy it at an affordable rate.

You can contact them using the details below:

Email:  support@vtuafrica.com.ng

Website:  www.vtuafrica.com.ng

Whatsapp: 08064897610




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