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Friday, October 7, 2022

How to setup Google Analytics

 It’s also pretty easy to set up. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help:

1. Log into Google Analytics

This is simple. Go to Google Analytics and click on Start Measuring.

Google Analytics home page overview

If you’re not logged into a Google account, it’ll ask you to log in to your Google account.

2. Create your Google Analytics account

Google Analytics Account details overview
On this screen, it’ll ask you to provide an account name. Use the name of your website or blog for this. Don’t worry about the boxes with the checkmarks for now. You can always change them later. Once you do that, click on Next at the bottom.

3. Choose what you want to measure

This screen asks you to choose whether you want to measure a website, an app, or a combination of both. Choose Web since you’re creating a blog.

Google Analytics What do you want to measure menu

Then click Next.

4. Fill in the property details

It’ll now ask you to fill in some details about your website including its name, the URL, your industry category, and your timezone. Once you’ve done that, click on Create at the bottom.

Google Analytics property setup

5Copy and paste the tracking code onto your site

Once your account is created, you’ll have a unique JavaScript tracking code for your site. When you copy and paste that snippet of code into your site, Google Analytics will start collecting data for you.

Google Analytics Global Site Tag

And that’s it. You are now tracking Google Analytics for your blog.

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